Spring Into Summer With A Confident Smile

Spring Into Summer With A Confident Smile

Posted by Sheffield Square Dental on Jan 17 2023, 10:22 PM

Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth often feel self-conscious about their appearance and may avoid having photos taken or smiling in public. With cosmetic dentistry from Sheffield Square Dental Care, we can restore lost luster and enhance your smile with a number of treatments! Although we’re known for our gentle care and comprehensive approach to dental care, our patients also love the fact that we offer many cosmetic services here in our clinic in Chicago, IL. Here are some of the options you have available!

Teeth Whitening

A beautiful smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and losing the brightness of your teeth can age you. We offer both in-office whitening treatment as well as custom take-home kits that yield results over the course of several weeks.


Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that sit on top of the teeth, covering any imperfections such as chips, cracks, or gaps. They give you perfectly shaped and aligned teeth as well as a beautiful smile! Some patients choose to get veneers on their front teeth only; however, some decide to have veneers placed on all of their visible teeth to give them a more consistent look.

Because these dental restorations cover the front of the teeth, they mimic the way enamel looks and create an overall whiter smile. The veneers are customized to match each patient’s teeth so that they blend in seamlessly. 

Crowns and Bridges

When there’s extensive damage to a tooth, a crown can be a good solution to restore the tooth’s shape and function while also providing a protective shell around its vulnerable interior. Bridges are another option for replacing missing teeth. They consist of several prosthetic teeth connected together to replace consecutive ones.


Your smile is a very important part of how you look and feel, and if your teeth are crooked or misaligned, your confidence can suffer as a result. Luckily, there’s a simple fix for uneven teeth: Invisalign invisible braces! With removable aligners that are practically invisible when on your teeth, you can have the straighter, healthier-looking smile you’ve always wanted without having to wear metal braces in the process. In fact, your friends and loved ones won’t even be able to tell you’re wearing them at all! To learn more, schedule a consultation with us today. We’ll be happy to walk you through the treatment process and answer any questions you may have about getting started.

Call us at 773-880-2310 or email us at office@sheffieldsquaredental.com to schedule your appointment. Visit Sheffield Square Dental Care at 2835 N. Sheffield Ave, Suite 305, Chicago, IL 60657.

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